Intramuscular Injection Simulator
Our innovative software offers Objective IM training with a feedback system, providing you with instant, accurate
feedback on your injections. This will help you improve your technique and confidence in administering IM
The software offers two modes: Training mode and Evaluation mode. In Training mode, you can practice your injections
receive real-time feedback on your technique. In Evaluation mode, a trainer can evaluate trainees with a provided
which is an objective standard based on a trainee’s criteria.
Additionally, the software includes a LED guide for anatomical landmark identification, making it easier for you to
accurately locate the injection site. This guide is especially helpful for new practitioners or those who need a
refresher. You’ll be able to deliver injections with confidence and accuracy.
- The touch feeling of the model is similar to human skin.
- The buttocks model is composed of epidermis layer, muscular layer and skeletal frame.
- Ventrogluteal and dorsogluteal site injection practice: both side.
- The skin is made of soft silicon that leaves no needle marks with self-healing system.
- Fluid injection and Automated drain.
- Advanced Education method with touch screen & color display.
- Self-Training and Evaluation of user's performance with Training & Evaluation mode.
- Automated on-line connection with Bluetooth interface.
- Objective assessment for procedures before Injection and injection.
- All results being displayed in real time.
- The detailed evaluation results are stored in JPEG format.
- Power : AC power or battery
GTSimulators by Global Technologies
BT USA Inc. Authorized Dealer.