Water&Woods™ Pheasant Foam Fowl Trainer | For Field and Hunting Training
Water and Woods™ Pheasant Foam Fowl Trainer features:
- Quickly teach your dog how to handle game with this life-like pheasant trainer.
- Range extender at the end of the pheasant allows you to get a farther, more accurate throw.
- Constructed to float in water so you can train at the marsh, swamp or lake.
- Designed to be durable and long-lasting through extensive training exercises.
- Available in various sizes and fowl types (this product is the Pheasant, available in one size large) to best match your dog and training program.
- Designed for fowl retriever training.
The Water & Woods ™ Foam Fowl Pheasant Dog Trainers are perfect tools for training in the field. The lifelike feel and weight of the Water & Woods foam fowl trainers will entice dogs to properly retrieve, carry and hold game birds. Open cell foam construction makes these trainers buoyant, tear resistant and extremely durable. For a more realistic training experience, use with Water and Woods training scents, which are also available